Monday, July 6, 2009

12th CF minutes..

Date : 6th July 2009
Time : 1.10pm
Venue : Art Studio


Meeting commenced with 3 songs : To Know Him, Amazing Grace and Above All.

Then, a video entitled "Fruitcake and Ice Cream" was played, spoken by Louie Giglio. Indeed it is a very good video. Below is a short clip of it.

The dvd of this video can be borrowed from Emily if you're interested to watch the full version.

-CF will be funded by the collection of offering every week.

-There will be a HighPraise evangelistic event in Wesley Methodist Hall on 17th July 2009 at 7pm.

- The appearance of a stack of bible verses in the "Daily Bread" column remains a mystery...

The full CF committee list is finally finalised :

President : Emily Soon
Treasurer : Abel Foong
Secretary : Eunice Lee
Worship Coordinator : Yoke Ching
Prayer Coordinator : Stephanie Lau
Facilities : Eric Chang

CF Board :
Person-In-Charge : Sze Min
Prayer Requests : Stephanie Lau
Question and Answer : Joel Wong
Weekly Song Selection : Joshua
Daily Bread Schedule :

Monday - Emily
Tuesday - Stephanie / Abel
Wednesday - Eunice
Thursday - Sze Min
Friday - Yoke Ching

Praise and Worship Schedule for the whole month of July is as the following :

Meeting adjourned at 2.30pm.