Spend 15 minutes to watch this video. Stop and think and just marvel at God's amazing love for us. What are we busy with day after day? What are we actually missing out in life?
There's no greater love than His love - the Creator of the universe, God most high..
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Good friday is over, and easter is here.. I've seen so many people wishing each other happy eggy day, eggciting easter, and so forth.. so much about eggs and bunnies. I guess many really don't know nor understand what good friday and easter really mean.
The truth is, God sent His son, Jesus to die for us on the cross for our sins. That is good friday.. and on the third day, Jesus resurrected and won the victory over death. That is why we celebrate easter on sunday. We, sinners deserve nothing yet God sacrificed His son all because of His unfailing love for us. What more can we ask?

Here's a very touching video which reflects the sacrifice of God's only son for the salvation of all. I wonder who wouldn't be moved or touched watching this..
nothing about eggs nor bunnies but everything about Jesus...
Real love isn't our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven.
-1 John 4:10-
personally, i would like the title to be Till We Reach Our Heavenly Home, lol... anyway, wonderfully written and so deserved to be shared to anyone who can see! miss ya guys and dont stop be fishers of men for God! ;P
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
38th CF Minutes - Eric's Farewell
Date : 20th May 2010
Time : 12.45pm
Venue : Room 107
Something different this week, we had pot bless (which means, each person contributes some food for everyone) in conjunction with Eric's farewell since it was his last day in college as well as Miss Liza's birthday.
No pictures taken. Only this blurred one.
Then we moved on with our normal CF meetings by beginning with 2 songs led by Emily - Nothing Is Impossible and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).
Our bible study resumed as we continued going through chapter 3.
If we belong to Christ, then Christ lives in us by His Spirit. And His Spirit will lead and enable us to kill off the wrong and sinful things that we once used to do. See: Colossians 3:1-17 and Galatians 5:16-25.
Who has the Holy Spirit?
- God's children who trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Will the Spirit of God ever leave us? ( 1 John 2:18-19 )
- If God places His Spirit in us, He'll bring us all the way to the end.
In Christianity, it's not about arriving but progressing - to be more like Jesus.
Focus verse of the chapter :
Since next Friday is a public holiday, CF is moved to this coming Wednesday (26th May 2010 ) at 2pm in room 107. Join us for lunch at 12.45pm and prayer meeting if you wanna pray with us or if you have any prayer requests. Just come, without hesitation =)
Time : 12.45pm
Venue : Room 107
Something different this week, we had pot bless (which means, each person contributes some food for everyone) in conjunction with Eric's farewell since it was his last day in college as well as Miss Liza's birthday.
No pictures taken. Only this blurred one.
Then we moved on with our normal CF meetings by beginning with 2 songs led by Emily - Nothing Is Impossible and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).
Our bible study resumed as we continued going through chapter 3.
If we belong to Christ, then Christ lives in us by His Spirit. And His Spirit will lead and enable us to kill off the wrong and sinful things that we once used to do. See: Colossians 3:1-17 and Galatians 5:16-25.
Who has the Holy Spirit?
- God's children who trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Will the Spirit of God ever leave us? ( 1 John 2:18-19 )
- If God places His Spirit in us, He'll bring us all the way to the end.
In Christianity, it's not about arriving but progressing - to be more like Jesus.
Focus verse of the chapter :
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ... (NIV)
- Titus 2:11-13 -
- Titus 2:11-13 -
Since next Friday is a public holiday, CF is moved to this coming Wednesday (26th May 2010 ) at 2pm in room 107. Join us for lunch at 12.45pm and prayer meeting if you wanna pray with us or if you have any prayer requests. Just come, without hesitation =)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
37th CF Minutes..
Date : 14th May 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Songs sang were - Come, Now Is The Time To Worship and Heart of Worship.
"Just For Starters" resumed and we have begun with Chapter 3 - Living God's Way.
Focus verse of the chapter :
God not only brings us into relationship with Him but He teaches and sustains us. The default position Christians often face is - if i don't do good, God won't accept me. The truth is, Christ has already died for our sins once and for all. Thus, Christians do good deeds as a result of God's grace and to glorify Him, not to earn salvation.
The hope that drives christians is not the material hope of the present but the eternal hope of the future.
p/s. Join us for CF this Thursday at 2.30pm ( not Friday ) in the art studio ( take the stairs down, next to room 105 ).. All are welcome =)
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Songs sang were - Come, Now Is The Time To Worship and Heart of Worship.
"Just For Starters" resumed and we have begun with Chapter 3 - Living God's Way.
Focus verse of the chapter :
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ... (NIV)
- Titus 2:11-13 -
- Titus 2:11-13 -
God not only brings us into relationship with Him but He teaches and sustains us. The default position Christians often face is - if i don't do good, God won't accept me. The truth is, Christ has already died for our sins once and for all. Thus, Christians do good deeds as a result of God's grace and to glorify Him, not to earn salvation.
The hope that drives christians is not the material hope of the present but the eternal hope of the future.
p/s. Join us for CF this Thursday at 2.30pm ( not Friday ) in the art studio ( take the stairs down, next to room 105 ).. All are welcome =)
Monday, May 17, 2010
36th CF Minutes..
Date : 7th May 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Art Gallery
Songs sang were - All Day and To The Ends of The Earth.
We moved on with our bible study and have completed chapter 2. Salvation comes to us from God by His grace, not by works and we can take no credit for it. Faith is not an action but a response to God's grace - our salvation. Have you responded to God by putting your trust in Him?
Focus verse of the chapter :
Join us for CF every friday at 1.30pm if you want to know more. We welcome everyone =)
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Art Gallery
Songs sang were - All Day and To The Ends of The Earth.
We moved on with our bible study and have completed chapter 2. Salvation comes to us from God by His grace, not by works and we can take no credit for it. Faith is not an action but a response to God's grace - our salvation. Have you responded to God by putting your trust in Him?
Focus verse of the chapter :
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no-one can boast. (NIV)
- Ephesians 2:8-9 -
- Ephesians 2:8-9 -
Join us for CF every friday at 1.30pm if you want to know more. We welcome everyone =)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
35th CF Minutes..
Date : 30th April 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Songs sang were - For All You've Done and Lord I Offer My Life To You.
We have begun with Chapter 2 - 'Trusting in God' in our bible study - 'Just For Starters'. A very important chapter to learn what having faith really means. Faith is like an opened vessel receiving water - no action required. It is not our faith that saved us but Christ' death for us. Therefore, do not put your faith in your own faith but in Christ who died for us once and for all.
Focus verse of the chapter :
It's never too late for you to join us if you haven't done so. You'll never know until you come and experience it for yourself.
p/s. There will be a prayer meeting before CF every friday. We'll be meeting in Room 107 at 12.15pm, go for a quick lunch and then a short prayer meeting just to pray for CF. If you're interested, don't hesitate to join us.
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Songs sang were - For All You've Done and Lord I Offer My Life To You.
We have begun with Chapter 2 - 'Trusting in God' in our bible study - 'Just For Starters'. A very important chapter to learn what having faith really means. Faith is like an opened vessel receiving water - no action required. It is not our faith that saved us but Christ' death for us. Therefore, do not put your faith in your own faith but in Christ who died for us once and for all.
Focus verse of the chapter :
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no-one can boast. (NIV)
- Ephesians 2:8-9 -
- Ephesians 2:8-9 -
It's never too late for you to join us if you haven't done so. You'll never know until you come and experience it for yourself.
p/s. There will be a prayer meeting before CF every friday. We'll be meeting in Room 107 at 12.15pm, go for a quick lunch and then a short prayer meeting just to pray for CF. If you're interested, don't hesitate to join us.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
34th CF Minutes..
Date : 23rd April 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Eric led us in 2 songs - God Is Good All The Time and It's All About Jesus.
Bible study resumed and we've completed chapter 1. We'll begin with chapter 2 this coming friday so it's still not too late for you to join us if you haven't done so =)
God's offer of salvation is free for everyone but not cheap. It's unconditional, sacrificial and amazing. No words can truly describe God's love for us.

Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
Eric led us in 2 songs - God Is Good All The Time and It's All About Jesus.
Bible study resumed and we've completed chapter 1. We'll begin with chapter 2 this coming friday so it's still not too late for you to join us if you haven't done so =)
God's offer of salvation is free for everyone but not cheap. It's unconditional, sacrificial and amazing. No words can truly describe God's love for us.

Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.
- Hebrews 11:1 -
- Hebrews 11:1 -
"Bible study" may sound boring but no doubt we look forward to learning more each week. You won't know until you come and experience it for yourself, for God's word gives us peace and not discomfort. Join us on fridays at 1.30pm in room 107. We welcome everyone !
p/s. There will be a prayer meeting before CF every friday. We'll be meeting in Room 107 at 12.15pm, go for a quick lunch and then a short prayer meeting just to pray for CF. If you're interested, don't hesitate to join us.
p/s. There will be a prayer meeting before CF every friday. We'll be meeting in Room 107 at 12.15pm, go for a quick lunch and then a short prayer meeting just to pray for CF. If you're interested, don't hesitate to join us.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
33rd CF Minutes..
Date : 16th April 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
We began with 2 songs - We Want to See Jesus Lifted High and To The Ends of The Earth.
Then, we continued with the bible study and almost done with chapter 1. We learned and were reminded that God accepts us for who He is and not who we are and he sent His one and only begotten son to die for us on the cross.
Wanna know more? Come and join us every friday at 1.30pm in Room 107, bring your bible along, if you have one =)

For Christ died for sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
- 1 Peter 3:18 -
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
We began with 2 songs - We Want to See Jesus Lifted High and To The Ends of The Earth.
Then, we continued with the bible study and almost done with chapter 1. We learned and were reminded that God accepts us for who He is and not who we are and he sent His one and only begotten son to die for us on the cross.
Wanna know more? Come and join us every friday at 1.30pm in Room 107, bring your bible along, if you have one =)

For Christ died for sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
- 1 Peter 3:18 -
p/s. There will be a prayer meeting before CF every friday. We'll be meeting in Room 107 at 12.30pm, maybe go for a quick lunch and then a short prayer meeting just to pray for CF. If you're interested, don't hesitate to join us.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
32nd CF minutes...
Date : 9th April 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
We started off with 2 songs led by Yoke Ching - Open The Eyes of My Heart and I Love You, Lord.
Then we moved on with the course, Just For Starters led by Pastor Nick Loi. We continued with chapter 1 since we were unable to complete it during the previous meeting. Questions like, 'How can we be sure of our salvation?' and 'What did we do to deserve Jesus' death for us?' were discussed.
Truly, we want to encourage everyone to come for this course. Christians, non-christians, just come and find out for yourself what christianity is all about. You won't want to miss it =)
Reminder : Don't forget to come for CF every friday at 1.30pm in Room 107. Remember to bring your bibles, if you have one =)
p/s. Welcome to CF, Miss Liza and welcome back, Miss Jennifer !!! We're so blessed to have you all with us !
"Christianity Explored" is being conducted in Christ Church every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Feel free to join if you're interested to know more about christianity. All you need to do is just sit and listen or if you have any doubts, feel free to ask. Dinner is provided.
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
We started off with 2 songs led by Yoke Ching - Open The Eyes of My Heart and I Love You, Lord.
Then we moved on with the course, Just For Starters led by Pastor Nick Loi. We continued with chapter 1 since we were unable to complete it during the previous meeting. Questions like, 'How can we be sure of our salvation?' and 'What did we do to deserve Jesus' death for us?' were discussed.
Truly, we want to encourage everyone to come for this course. Christians, non-christians, just come and find out for yourself what christianity is all about. You won't want to miss it =)
Reminder : Don't forget to come for CF every friday at 1.30pm in Room 107. Remember to bring your bibles, if you have one =)
p/s. Welcome to CF, Miss Liza and welcome back, Miss Jennifer !!! We're so blessed to have you all with us !
"Christianity Explored" is being conducted in Christ Church every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Feel free to join if you're interested to know more about christianity. All you need to do is just sit and listen or if you have any doubts, feel free to ask. Dinner is provided.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Jesus lives...

Good friday is over, and easter is here.. I've seen so many people wishing each other happy eggy day, eggciting easter, and so forth.. so much about eggs and bunnies. I guess many really don't know nor understand what good friday and easter really mean.
The truth is, God sent His son, Jesus to die for us on the cross for our sins. That is good friday.. and on the third day, Jesus resurrected and won the victory over death. That is why we celebrate easter on sunday. We, sinners deserve nothing yet God sacrificed His son all because of His unfailing love for us. What more can we ask?

Here's a very touching video which reflects the sacrifice of God's only son for the salvation of all. I wonder who wouldn't be moved or touched watching this..
nothing about eggs nor bunnies but everything about Jesus...
Real love isn't our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven.
-1 John 4:10-
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Music, food, fun and fellowship await you!!
Got to go for class at 2pm?? That's not a problem at all. You can still join us from 1pm to 2pm. Let nothing hinder you from coming for the party cause you won't wanna miss the fun. Afterall, it's only once a year.
Music, food, fun and fellowship await you!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
31st CF Minutes...
Date : 26th March 2010
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
There were no ice breakers nor praise and worship this week.
Pastor Nick Loi, from Christ Church came to lead and teach us in the course, "Just For Starters" - seven fundamental bible studies. We started off with chapter one which was "Saved by God". It may seem simple but there's so much more to learn if we actually read the Bible verses within the context and understand it fully. It was a good start, really interesting and it kept us thinking.
We truly encourage everyone - christians as well as non-christians to join us for this course to learn and understand what christianity is all about.
Focus verse of the chapter :
p/s. Welcome to CF, Michelle and Clement!! We're so glad to have you all with us =)
p/s/s. There will be a course - "Christianity Explored" conducted in Christ Church every wednesday at 7.30pm starting from 31st March 2010. Feel free to join if you're interested to know more about christianity. All you need to do is just sit and listen. No fees involved. Dinner is most probably provided too =)
Time : 1.30pm
Venue : Room 107
There were no ice breakers nor praise and worship this week.
Pastor Nick Loi, from Christ Church came to lead and teach us in the course, "Just For Starters" - seven fundamental bible studies. We started off with chapter one which was "Saved by God". It may seem simple but there's so much more to learn if we actually read the Bible verses within the context and understand it fully. It was a good start, really interesting and it kept us thinking.
We truly encourage everyone - christians as well as non-christians to join us for this course to learn and understand what christianity is all about.
Focus verse of the chapter :
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this : While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! (NIV)Don't forget to join us for our good friday & easter party this coming friday on 2nd April 2010 at 1pm in muliti purpose hall. More about it in the next post =)
- Romans 5:8-9 -
p/s. Welcome to CF, Michelle and Clement!! We're so glad to have you all with us =)
p/s/s. There will be a course - "Christianity Explored" conducted in Christ Church every wednesday at 7.30pm starting from 31st March 2010. Feel free to join if you're interested to know more about christianity. All you need to do is just sit and listen. No fees involved. Dinner is most probably provided too =)
Monday, March 22, 2010
30th CF Minutes...
Date : 19th March 2010
Time : 2.00pm
Venue : Room 107
We started off with an ice breaker and it's been a while since we last had one. A few newcomers came to join us so we played a simple get-to-know-one-another game called "Hi, Yes and Meet".

Then, we sang 2 songs led by Eric - Trade Your Heavy Heart and Amazing Love.
As mentioned previously, Joel led us in a course titled, Two Ways To Live - basically what christianity is all about.

We learned how to share the gospel with the aid of 6 pictures:

Explanation to the numbered pictures :
1. God is the King and He made the world. (Revelation 4:11)
2. We reject God by trying to live our own ways without God. (Romans - 3:10-12)
3. God is loving so He won't let us continue rebelling thus He punishes us. (Hebrews 9:27)
4. He sent His son, Jesus into the world. Jesus is a man, also God Himself. Jesus is perfect without sin, yet He died for us on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. (1 Peter 3:18)
5. God raised Jesus to life and made Him again the ruler of the world. He conquered death. (1 Peter 1:3)
6. This leaves us two ways to live: -
- Rebel against God, reject Him and go our own ways OR
- Follow His ways and submit to Jesus as our ruler.
One leads to punishment while the other leads to forgiveness of our sins
( John 3:36 ). Which way would you choose?
CF has been rescheduled to 1.30pm so, have a quick lunch and come and join us every Friday in Room 107. We hereby welcome Whitney, Olivia, Adrian, Wai Yee and Preyah. We're so glad you all came and we're looking forward to seeing you all again in our upcoming meetings!!
Time : 2.00pm
Venue : Room 107
We started off with an ice breaker and it's been a while since we last had one. A few newcomers came to join us so we played a simple get-to-know-one-another game called "Hi, Yes and Meet".
Then, we sang 2 songs led by Eric - Trade Your Heavy Heart and Amazing Love.
As mentioned previously, Joel led us in a course titled, Two Ways To Live - basically what christianity is all about.
We learned how to share the gospel with the aid of 6 pictures:
Explanation to the numbered pictures :
1. God is the King and He made the world. (Revelation 4:11)
2. We reject God by trying to live our own ways without God. (Romans - 3:10-12)
3. God is loving so He won't let us continue rebelling thus He punishes us. (Hebrews 9:27)
4. He sent His son, Jesus into the world. Jesus is a man, also God Himself. Jesus is perfect without sin, yet He died for us on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. (1 Peter 3:18)
5. God raised Jesus to life and made Him again the ruler of the world. He conquered death. (1 Peter 1:3)
6. This leaves us two ways to live: -
- Rebel against God, reject Him and go our own ways OR
- Follow His ways and submit to Jesus as our ruler.
One leads to punishment while the other leads to forgiveness of our sins
( John 3:36 ). Which way would you choose?
CF has been rescheduled to 1.30pm so, have a quick lunch and come and join us every Friday in Room 107. We hereby welcome Whitney, Olivia, Adrian, Wai Yee and Preyah. We're so glad you all came and we're looking forward to seeing you all again in our upcoming meetings!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
29th CF Minutes..
Date : 12th March 2010
Time : 2pm
Venue : Room 107
Meeting commenced with 2 songs led by Eric - This Is The Day and Jesus, Lover of My Soul.
More planning and discussions were carried out during the meeting and we've decided to join the course "Just For Starters" with the help of Pastor Nick invited by Joel. "Just For Starters" is designed for beginners (new christians) to gain a full understanding of the gospel and explain it further. It's quite simple and interesting and we believe, everyone should go for it.
However, we will only be able to start this course in the following week. Therefore, Joel will first lead us in another course called "Two Ways To Live" basically to know and share the gospel.
Further discussions were carried out for our Good Friday + Easter Party which will be held on 2nd April 2010 in MPH.
Here's the good news : CF IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPENED TO EVERYONE !! Come and join us this coming friday, 19th March 2010 in room 107. Don't miss the fun and fellowship! =)
Time : 2pm
Venue : Room 107
Meeting commenced with 2 songs led by Eric - This Is The Day and Jesus, Lover of My Soul.
More planning and discussions were carried out during the meeting and we've decided to join the course "Just For Starters" with the help of Pastor Nick invited by Joel. "Just For Starters" is designed for beginners (new christians) to gain a full understanding of the gospel and explain it further. It's quite simple and interesting and we believe, everyone should go for it.
However, we will only be able to start this course in the following week. Therefore, Joel will first lead us in another course called "Two Ways To Live" basically to know and share the gospel.
Further discussions were carried out for our Good Friday + Easter Party which will be held on 2nd April 2010 in MPH.
Here's the good news : CF IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPENED TO EVERYONE !! Come and join us this coming friday, 19th March 2010 in room 107. Don't miss the fun and fellowship! =)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
We are struggling Christians trying our best to stay pure.
Constantly battling against temptation, resisting its allure.
Sin seeks to plunge us back, making us more distressed.
Its pull and push cannot be easily suppressed.
Pleasing God I know will take more than just living by His Law.
For He has sent us His Son and by His sacrifice has saved us all.
God has saved us from the wrath of God that we rightly deserved.
By God’s grace and compassion we have been preserved.
Jesus Christ who knew no sin took on sin for all mankind.
Fully God yet fully Man Jesus came to purify our heart and mind.
We know that we are sinners struggling through this sinful world.
But yet our Father through His grace takes care of us in the present and tomorrow.
So yes, we will always battle with our sinful natures but we are not without help.
For we have Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to aid us reach our heavenly home.
Yes, we used to live a life of lawlessness and on the sharp edge of Satan’s knife.
But now let us repent and by God’s mercy and grace receive eternal life.
Our Sovereign and powerful God is the Creator of all things
The time will come when God will cut away our sinful strings
For God will destroy this earth of pain, sorrow and sin by fire
We then will live with God for all eternity and no longer be plagued by our sinful desire.
Constantly battling against temptation, resisting its allure.
Sin seeks to plunge us back, making us more distressed.
Its pull and push cannot be easily suppressed.
Pleasing God I know will take more than just living by His Law.
For He has sent us His Son and by His sacrifice has saved us all.
God has saved us from the wrath of God that we rightly deserved.
By God’s grace and compassion we have been preserved.
Jesus Christ who knew no sin took on sin for all mankind.
Fully God yet fully Man Jesus came to purify our heart and mind.
We know that we are sinners struggling through this sinful world.
But yet our Father through His grace takes care of us in the present and tomorrow.
So yes, we will always battle with our sinful natures but we are not without help.
For we have Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to aid us reach our heavenly home.
Yes, we used to live a life of lawlessness and on the sharp edge of Satan’s knife.
But now let us repent and by God’s mercy and grace receive eternal life.
Our Sovereign and powerful God is the Creator of all things
The time will come when God will cut away our sinful strings
For God will destroy this earth of pain, sorrow and sin by fire
We then will live with God for all eternity and no longer be plagued by our sinful desire.
By Gareth Rennie, South Africa
personally, i would like the title to be Till We Reach Our Heavenly Home, lol... anyway, wonderfully written and so deserved to be shared to anyone who can see! miss ya guys and dont stop be fishers of men for God! ;P
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Our very 1st CF meeting in 2010
Hi everyone!
It has been quite some time since the last meeting during last year.
We are glad to have our faithful CF members to join us! May the Lord bless them abundantly!
Here is the 28th CF minutes:
Date : 5 / 3 / 10
Time : 3pm
Venue : Room 107
Eric lead the praise and worship with 2 songs.. Over the mountains and the seas and a malay song named Hari Ini...
All of us welcome Xuan to the meeting and we gave words of encouragement to him for he had accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour on the 13th of January 2010. Praise the Lord for His wonderful works!
We decided to have our CF meetings on every Friday at 2PM since most of the students can make it.
We have a fruitful discussion, Joel Wong suggested a few books for us to follow for the course so that we will have a good & strong foundation before we reach out to others non believers. We will continue to discuss the materials and sources that we need for this weekly course. Joel Wong told us that he had asked his pastor to come and help us in our CF as a speaker for the courses.. Joel suggested that we should start on the book "Just for starters".
During the meeting, Eunice suggested that we should have an Easter & welcoming party on the 2nd of April 2010 in MPH at 1pm. All of us agreed to this suggestions. We will continue to work on it for the coming week.
The meeting adjourned at 4.30pm.
It has been quite some time since the last meeting during last year.
We are glad to have our faithful CF members to join us! May the Lord bless them abundantly!
Here is the 28th CF minutes:
Date : 5 / 3 / 10
Time : 3pm
Venue : Room 107
Eric lead the praise and worship with 2 songs.. Over the mountains and the seas and a malay song named Hari Ini...
All of us welcome Xuan to the meeting and we gave words of encouragement to him for he had accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour on the 13th of January 2010. Praise the Lord for His wonderful works!
We decided to have our CF meetings on every Friday at 2PM since most of the students can make it.
We have a fruitful discussion, Joel Wong suggested a few books for us to follow for the course so that we will have a good & strong foundation before we reach out to others non believers. We will continue to discuss the materials and sources that we need for this weekly course. Joel Wong told us that he had asked his pastor to come and help us in our CF as a speaker for the courses.. Joel suggested that we should start on the book "Just for starters".
During the meeting, Eunice suggested that we should have an Easter & welcoming party on the 2nd of April 2010 in MPH at 1pm. All of us agreed to this suggestions. We will continue to work on it for the coming week.
The meeting adjourned at 4.30pm.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
stay tuned for the awesome 2010 !
it's been a while since we last had a cf meeting and in case you're wondering if cf is still on, the answer is - YES, DEFINITELY !!!
it is by God's grace that we were able to start this cf last year, though few in number but i believe He will continue to work wonders and miracles through cf and we'll surely grow in number as well as in our spiritual walk with Him.. so, don't give up! shine for HIm and be on fire for God !
cf will resume in february so stay tuned !! =)
oh yeah, it's a new year, so our blog has a new look too!! hehe.. hope you all will like it though...
p/s. let us not forget to pray for one another in the midst of all the chaos in our country.. have faith and stand firm for everything's in God's hands and He clearly knows what He's doing..
it is by God's grace that we were able to start this cf last year, though few in number but i believe He will continue to work wonders and miracles through cf and we'll surely grow in number as well as in our spiritual walk with Him.. so, don't give up! shine for HIm and be on fire for God !
cf will resume in february so stay tuned !! =)
oh yeah, it's a new year, so our blog has a new look too!! hehe.. hope you all will like it though...
p/s. let us not forget to pray for one another in the midst of all the chaos in our country.. have faith and stand firm for everything's in God's hands and He clearly knows what He's doing..
God’s faithful care will extend to every day of the new year. We can count on that promise. - David C.McCasland
God holds the future in His hands
With grace sufficient day by day;
Through good or ill He gently leads,
If we but let Him have His way. —Rohrs
God holds the future in His hands
With grace sufficient day by day;
Through good or ill He gently leads,
If we but let Him have His way. —Rohrs
What time is it??
Daily Bread..
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” -2 Corinthians 5:21
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- If you're too busy to spend time with God, then you're simply too busy.
- A breakthrough requires a trial to break through.
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Children of God say..
Fellow CF-ers
Fellow Cf's
- heaven (1)
- Jesus (1)
- love (1)
- perseverence (1)